Intro to Subaru modding

Credit: Collector Car Feed

The opinions in this video are those of Netgear57 of Collector Car Feed. This is not meant to shame or disrespect anyone but rather encourage people to do their research before buying the cheapest parts they can get or destroying a perfectly car just to stand out.

This video focuses on the WRX but what is discussed about modding them in this video applies to our 86’s thanks to the Subaru FA-20 engine. The main takeaway for our cars is you must tune to support any mods that mess with the air/fuel ratio. Also, you must do your research before boosting our FA-20’s since the 86’s was never designed from the factory to be boosted.

All of this is shared in hopes you get the most out of your money when making your car your own.

What are your feelings
Updated on April 29, 2024